... And yet, It is an intrinsic aspect of life on every level.
It can happen on the most minimal level, like running out of your favourite ice cream so you have to choose another flavour and it happens to be the best you've ever tasted. Or it can happen on a larger scale, like an illness that can alter your entire life.
It is a universal truth that nothing ever truly stays the same. No matter how hard you try and wish. Life is like a long, winding river. We are a branch floating along the current. Sometimes going under and at others riding the waves; bumping into rocks and debris or even being washed ashore.
Some of these things we can't change as we traverse the road of life. All that we have are our choices in the moments. We can inspire changes as well as accept the ones that are out of our control.
And from here, we can adapt, improvise and overcome to build an existence that's as close as we can get to our ideal.
This is how we cover change; adaptation. New, informed choices. Updated information. Weaving through experience. In this way, obstacles are just like doorways that you pass through, rather than impenetrable walls.
Change is inevitable, however that doesn't mean you can't make it work positively for you in your life. Because the reality is that change will always arise. You can utilise that for your advantage.