I was deep in the embrace of the ocean waves with an open mind; attuning my ears to the song of the sea, I was determined to hear her speak. The intensity of each wave was immense, every assault pushed me back metres, yet I was called to keep moving forward.
The chill of the water and the frequent battering that kept me struggling through the water was invigorating. Every breath inspiring more strength and power to maintain my stride. Diving under waves, feeling the sand beneath my feet, and water moving around me - I was deep in the essence of the planet.
This was one part of my experience at a facilitator training that I attended years ago.
After a long week in-land at the retreat centre, we were spending a day at the beach. I had been to the beach every free day I had, however, who can seriously ever have too much of the sand and the sea?
The exercise was to leave the land and commune with the ocean. At the time, I didn't think too much about it. I was happy to play in the waves, excited to get active and physical; to cool off in the wondrous waters of the North Coast.
It wasn't as much a battle against the waves as it was a beautiful dance. The pushing and pulling, the swaying. Great movements forward and backwards. The experience at that moment became almost meditative. The rest of the world was stripped away, as I was enveloped by water and wave. I could see the others in the distance; I was further away. Any sounds muffled by the explosion of crashing waves upon the sand.
My mind awash with thoughts, yet peacefully allowing them to flow through my mind like the wind that caressed my face when I was eagerly awaiting the next hit. That is when the ocean spoke to me.
"Be Wild; Without Fear", she said
Awestruck by this revelation, this transmission of sorts. I gave no thought to what it might mean or perhaps what reasons there might be for something like that to come to my mind. I HAD to write it all down before I forgot. Journeying back towards the sand, back towards reality almost. I found my bag and my phone, where I proceeded to record what I had received.
I returned to the ocean, elated with myself and the world. And spent the rest of the time enjoying the waves.
It has been many, many months since, and still... I'm exactly certain what it means. Although, I have certainly reasoned many things. However, I think I've settled on one. Simply, "Be yourself".
Fear is a big thing that we struggle within modern society. It can be connected with shame, embarrassment and humiliation. We can be afraid of success, afraid of what others think, fearful of failure and much more.
These can create social anxieties that can affect us on a deep level. Sometimes afraid to show our real selves, instead perhaps trying to be someone we're not to fit the collective.
What does it mean to be 'wild'? A natural, uncultivated state. Non-domesticated. Uncivilised, a savage.
In this, however, we can see the wild as the untamed nature of our own soul. Who we are, free from the bindings of societal expectations. Free from the cultural terrets that demand conforming to the acceptable norm. Courageous in a bid to break free from the tethers of civilisation, so that you may live your truth.
Some might just call this 'Eudaimonia'; a state of contentment that many greek schools of philosophy, like Stoicism and Cynicism, sought.
By living according to nature, to your virtue. Eschewing the fear and doubt that can be created by living in a tumultuous tub of differing views. We can become wild. We can thrive to the tune of our own song. And in the process, inspire others to become wild too.
What a world we could exist within if we were all able to live our truth and accept the truth of others.
So, without the fear that can arise, be yourself. Be free. Savour the deepness of your soul and grasp that infallible power that lies within. Discover your wild and thrive!
Jeremy de Laroche Souvestre